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Former teаmmаte of Tom Brаdy deѕcribeѕ whаt іt would tаke for Chіefs’ Pаtrick Mаhomes to beсome the GOAT

We have talked about it extensively here at A to Z Sports, along with probably every other media outlet covering the Kansas City Chiefs, that Patrick Mahomes is getting very close to becoming the greatest NFL player of all time very quickly. I’d like to say that Mahomes is closer to Brady than anyone else, but he isn’t quite there yet.

A lot of it is prisoner-of-the-moment-type stuff. If Mahomes gets a three-peat, something that has never been done before, then we can have the conversation again.

However, I think the 28-year-old quarterback is the best quarterback of all time, strictly from a talent perspective. He is the best to ever play the game. No one has been better than him. He just isn’t the greatest of all time yet. There is a difference there. But, there are former teammates of Tom Brady, guys who have worked with him up close and personal, who think Mahomes could end up being the greatest to ever play. Former Super Bowl winners.

We have heard former New England Patriots linebacker Teddy Bruschi say that. Now, another former teammate has.

“Brady has seven Super Bowls, so we are putting a mark that he has to at least get seven,” Jason McCourty said. “The fact that Brady beat him in a Super Bowl, you have to hold that against him as well. 

“But, if they go and three-peat, and they are the only team, and he is the only quarterback to win three in a row, that changes the conversation. If they win three in a row, and he maybe doesn’t get to seven, say he gets to six, we can have that conversation. The only thing is, Brady beat him.”

Obviously, this is a bit different, but Eli Manning beat Brady in the Super Bowl twice. One of those times, Brady was on the greatest roster ever assembled and a team that was undefeated before losing the final game. Yet, no one is saying that Manning is better than Brady. So, let’s calm down just a bit there because had Mahomes had an in-tact offensive line and receivers that could catch; he would have outplayed Brady in that Super Bowl purely based on the fact that he was already making outrageous play after outrageous play.

Putting all that aside, Mahomes is in rare territory, and the Kansas City Chiefs have a quarterback that can be mentioned in the same breath as Tom Brady is pretty insane to think about.