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Kevin Durant Expresses Desire to Revive the Supersonics

Kevin Durant’s journey in the NBA began with a jersey that has remained untouched in the league for 16 years—a poignant reminder of the absence of the Seattle SuperSonics. 

Disputes over arena construction and changes in ownership led to the relocation of the team, leaving Seattle without its beloved franchise, now known as the Oklahoma City Thunder.

However, with talks of an imminent expansion by 2026, hope reignites in the hearts of Seattle residents, yearning to reclaim their team. Kevin Durant, ever invested in the city’s basketball legacy, expresses his eagerness to be part of the resurrection. In his own podcast, Durant shares, “It would be a dream come true to help get the team going. I would be part of it without a doubt. It is an iconic franchise and a market that needs the influence of an NBA team.”

While the return of the Sonics may occur after Durant’s retirement, the current collective bargaining agreement offers players the opportunity to become part owners of franchises. This raises the possibility of seeing Durant retire with the colors that marked his entry into the league. “It’s one of the only things that I think would keep me focused at the level that I am on playing basketball,” he reflects.

Durant’s sentiments resonate with LeBron James’ ambition to own a franchise in Las Vegas, another prime candidate for expansion. As both players look toward the future, their aspirations to leave a lasting impact extend beyond the basketball court, reflecting their dedication to shaping the league’s landscape for generations to come.