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Shаquіlle O’Neаl Congrаtulаtes Kevіn Durаnt For Pаѕѕing Hіm For 8th On The All-Tіme Sсorіng Lіѕt

Kevin Durant (28,610) surpasses Shaquille O’Neal (28,596) on the NBA’s all-time scoring list, earning praise and encouragement from the basketball community.

Kevin Durant’s ascent up the NBA’s all-time scoring list continues to make headlines as he surpassed another legend, Shaquille O’Neal, (28,596) to claim the eighth spot.

“Kevin Durant, first of all I want to say congratulations for passing me to become eighth on the NBA’s all-time scoring list. Well deserved. But you know it doesn’t stop here. I probably see you at, see if you can get to number one.” 

“Anyway, I’m happy for you. Tell your lovely mother I said hello, and congratulations brother. Job well done. I knew it was gonna get done, if anybody was gonna pass me, I knew it was gonna be you. Durantula.” 


O’Neal, gracious in defeat, took the time to congratulate Durant in a heartfelt video message, acknowledging Durant’s achievement and offering a friendly challenge for him to aim for the number one spot. Durant, humbled by the accolade, expressed his gratitude for being mentioned alongside basketball icons like O’Neal and emphasized the importance of enjoying the game beyond just scoring.

With a mid-range jumper in the third quarter of the Phoenix Suns’ game against the Philadelphia 76ers, Durant reached yet another milestone in his illustrious career, solidifying his status as one of the greatest scorers in league history.

The 35-year-old Durant, a 14-time All-Star and future Hall of Famer, continues to leave his mark on the NBA, not just with his scoring prowess but also with his overall impact on the game. His contributions to the Suns have been invaluable, with teammates and coaches alike acknowledging his leadership and dedication to winning.

As Kevin Durant inches closer to surpassing even more legends on the all-time scoring list, the basketball world eagerly watches his journey unfold. While reaching the number one spot may seem like a daunting task, Durant’s determination and skill suggest that anything is possible. And with each milestone reached, he further cements his legacy as one of the greatest players to ever grace the hardwood.

As O’Neal aptly put it, Durant’s climb up the scoring ranks is well-deserved, and there’s no telling how high he’ll eventually ascend. For now, fans and fellow players alike can appreciate the brilliance of Durant’s game and look forward to witnessing more memorable moments from this basketball icon.

Can Kevin Durant Catch Up To LeBron James? 

Kevin Durant’s pursuit of climbing up the NBA’s all-time scoring list has sparked discussions about whether he can catch up to LeBron James, who currently sits atop with an impressive 40,179 points. Durant’s recent milestone, surpassing Shaquille O’Neal to claim the eighth spot, has brought this debate into focus.

With Durant at 28,610 points, the question arises: how many more points can he realistically accumulate before the end of his career? A detailed analysis suggests that Durant’s scoring prowess, coupled with his remaining playing years and potential injuries, could see him reach new heights on the scoring ladder.

Looking at Durant’s performance in recent seasons, his scoring average and games played have fluctuated due to injury concerns. However, projecting his future based on current trends and potential improvements, it’s conceivable that Durant could surpass the 32,000-point mark by the end of his career.

For the remainder of the 2023-24 season, Durant’s predicted points total could see him comfortably entering the top 10 scorers of all time, surpassing greats like Moses Malone and Carmelo Anthony.

Scoring output may see a slight dip due to age-related factors, but he could still add significant points to his career total, potentially reaching the 30,000-point milestone.

As Durant enters his late 30s, his playing time and scoring efficiency may diminish further, but he could still contribute substantially to his team’s offense. By the 2026-27 season, Durant could find himself surpassing Wilt Chamberlain and Dirk Nowitzki to secure the seventh spot on the all-time scoring list.

In his farewell season in 2027-28, Durant’s impact on the court may diminish further due to age and physical limitations, but he could still manage to add to his impressive scoring tally, potentially surpassing Michael Jordan to claim the fifth spot.

While uncertainties such as injuries and unforeseen circumstances may impact Durant’s trajectory, there’s a strong possibility that he will solidify his legacy as one of the greatest scorers in NBA history, potentially even challenging LeBron James’ reign at the top of the scoring list.

Ultimately, Durant’s remarkable scoring ability and dedication to the game position him as a formidable contender to climb higher on the all-time scoring ladder, leaving fans eagerly anticipating his future achievements on the hardwood.

Kevin Durant Could Have Been 4th All-Time If Not For Injury 

Kevin Durant’s exceptional talent and scoring ability have solidified his status as one of the greatest players in NBA history. However, his career trajectory could have been even more remarkable if not for the unfortunate setbacks caused by injuries.

Durant has endured significant time on the sidelines, missing over three full seasons due to various injuries throughout his career. This prolonged absence has undoubtedly impacted his overall point total and standing on the NBA’s all-time scoring list.

Taking into account Durant’s career scoring average of 27.3 points per game, a simple calculation reveals the staggering potential points he could have accumulated during those lost seasons. Multiplying his average points per game by the number of games in a typical NBA season (82) and the total seasons missed (3) results in an estimated 6715 points lost due to injury.

Had Durant been able to play those three full seasons without interruption, those additional points would have significantly bolstered his career total. In fact, it would have propelled him past legendary players like Kobe Bryant, placing him firmly in the fourth spot on the NBA’s all-time scoring list.

With only Karl Malone, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and LeBron James ahead of him, Durant would have been on the cusp of joining the elite ranks of the top three scorers in NBA history. This hypothetical scenario underscores the impact injuries can have on a player’s career trajectory and legacy in the sport.

Despite the setbacks, Durant’s resilience and determination have enabled him to continue his pursuit of greatness on the basketball court. While he may have missed out on the opportunity to claim a higher position on the scoring list, his contributions to the game remain undeniable, and he continues to etch his name into the annals of basketball history with each game he plays.