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Untold Secrets: Michael Jordan’s $800,000 McDonald’s Check and the Petty Pizza Incident

Michael Jordan’s ferocious determination always propelled him to unleash his inner beast on the basketball court, regardless of any obstacles in his way. His iconic “flu game” stands as a testament to his relentless drive and boundless capabilities. In the documentary series “The Last Dance,” it was mentioned that around 4-5 people arrived to deliver a pizza to Jordan on the night before the game. There were even speculations that the pizza had been tampered with to intentionally make Jordan sick before the finals. However, Jalen and Jacoby raised doubts about the authenticity of this decade-old story. Upon hearing this, Jason Hehir, the director of the docu-series, clarified the narrative. According to Jason, Jordan, who had earned $800,000 from his endorsement deal with McDonald’s, spat on the pizza to ensure that no one else would consume it. This revelation sheds a unique light on the events surrounding that memorable night.


Jordan was vindictive, and he would not rest until he got his revenge. Apparently, the same night, his teammates ate dinner without waiting for Jordan. Hungry, Michael was upset that they did not wait for him and demanded that he eat pizza. And because he wanted to have all the pizza by himself, so, he spat on it to keep everyone off it.

Jason Hehir says Michael Jordan’s story in “The Last Dance” was not true

In the interview, one of the things that Jacoby found unsettling was the fact that Tim Grover, then Michael’s trainer, said that the Bulls star had eaten the entire pizza. According to the ESPN host, it was not possible that Jordan ate the pizza alone. After initial resistance, Jason clarified that he does not believe that the pizza was spiked as told by Tim, but Jordan did eat the whole pizza after he spat on it. The reason was; that his teammates didn’t wait for him, so he wanted to eat all by himself. Take a look at the YouTube video by ESPN below to see how this conversation went down.

When the pizza shows up, Michael says, everybody, don’t touch this pizza. This is mine, you didn’t wait for me don’t touch this. So he spits on the pizza.”

The series director further said that there was nobody in the room, so he doesn’t have any idea what exactly happened that got him the sickness. However, he also said that he didn’t believe the pizza was spiked because nobody knew it was ordered for Michael Jordan.

Michael Jordan spat on cinnamon rolls to protect it from guards eyeing at it

Michael Jordan might well be a billionaire, but he has never been keen on sharing, especially when it comes to his food. Despite the fact that Jordan was paid millions, he did not even like people looking at his food. Spitting on his pizza was not just one incident of Jordan spitting to protect what he wanted to eat from people. Perhaps, it was a habit of MJ’s. Wright Tompson went into detail about Jordan’s insecurity about cinnamon rolls on ESPN

A woman named Linda cooked Michael’s meals, and he loved cinnamon rolls. She’d bake a tray and bring it to him. When it came time to film, he’d see the guards eyeing the cinnamon rolls and he’d walk over and spit on each one, to make sure nobody took his food.”