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The Power of Kobe: How Michael Jordan’s Son Used Bryant’s Mindset to Triumph Over High School Bullying

In Alex Molden’s The Shark Effect show, Jeffrey Jordan, the eldest son of Michael Jordan, candidly discussed his experiences with bullying during high school. Being the son of a basketball legend like Michael Jordan, Jeffrey faced immense pressure to uphold his father’s illustrious legacy in the sport. Unfortunately, his high school playing career was plagued by numerous obstacles, including bullying. To combat this adversity, Jeffrey transformed the “Who’s your daddy” chant into a source of motivation to counteract the hate and criticism directed towards him. Taking inspiration from Kobe Bryant, who remained unaffected by any negativity he encountered, Jeffrey channeled this animosity into a driving force for motivation, evident in his impressive performances on the basketball court.


Kobe Bryant knew very well how to embrace hate and reply to the critics with his incredible performance. Calling this the ‘Mamba attitude,’ Kobe made a mark for himself through this, to establish himself as one of the greatest players. Jeffrey, being Michael Jordan’s son, was indeed decent in playing high-school basketball. He embraced such a similar attitude as the Mamba to bring several accolades and achievements to his alma mater.


Michael Jordan’s son Jeffrey admitted to facing bullying in high school while playing basketball

MJ’s son Jeffrey Jordan recently appeared on a podcast episode of The Shark Effect show, hosted by Alex Molden. Speaking about high-school crowds, both Molden and Jeffrey agreed that teenagers can be ruthless and scathing, especially in high-school basketball.


Jeffrey always had the burden of carrying his father’s legacy in basketball. Due to his father’s legendary status, many rival school fans would mock him with the chant “Who’s your daddy.”  Facing such bullying, Jeffrey decided to embrace these chants and the hateful remarks. Speaking to Alex Molden, he said:

“I definitely got a lot of ‘Who’s your daddy?’ chants at high school,” Jordan said. “Everywhere I went, they started chanting ‘Who’s your daddy?’ I’m like, you know, I just started embracing it.”

In all honesty, it is tough to lead an easy life when your father is the legend Michael Jordan. Jeffrey and Marcus both had underwhelming basketball stints at college and high school when compared to his father. While Jeffrey did enroll for the NBA draft, unfortunately, he was undrafted into the league.

Michael Jordan’s sons could never achieve the same level of success and LeBron James’ sons

Compared to Bronny and Bryce James, Jeffrey, and Marcus Jordan had a rather underwhelming basketball career in college and school. Perhaps, Jeffrey had it the worst given his college-level performance was considered rather disastrous. In the 2012 NBA draft, Jeffrey went undrafted, making him an unrestricted free agent.

Marcus, on the other hand, was playing decent enough to earn him a place in the NBA draft. However, midway through college, Marcus decided not to pursue a career in basketball. Both the Jordan brothers now run their own businesses, with Jeffrey being in charge of Heir Jordan, while Marcus runs a luxury sneaker boutique called the Trophy Room.