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Discovered the hundred-year-old ancient verses in Tandooreh National Park

An ancient tree estimated to be over 4,000 years old has been discovered in Iran’s Tandooreh National Park. The tree, which is the oldest in Iran, was found in the mountainous region of the park. The discovery has been hailed as a significant find by scientists and researchers. The tree is believed to have survived for so long due to the unique climate and soil conditions in the area. The discovery highlights the importance of preserving natural habitats and the need for continued research into the natural world.

Another specialty of the region is the world famous herbs, the most famous one being dittany, also known as eronda. Spring is like heaven here as all the wildflowers bloom, and the countryside is refreshingly beautiful and the animals move with a spring in their steps. Exploring the natural beauty of the Chania region is a truly wonderful experience, which should not be missed by anyone.