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Crаzy аrtifаcts, іncludіng а dаgger сrafted from а meteor, found іn the tomb of Kіng Tutаnkhаmuns

The discovery of King Tutankhamuns (also known commonly as the Golden Pharaoh) tomb was found lying below more than 150,000 tons of rock. His tomb was discovered in a location close to the west bank of Luxor called “The Valley of Kings” which was known for holding the tombs of many past pharaohs of ancient Egypt. His tomb along with many other artifacts that belonged to him where found in a chamber deep beneath the ground on November 26, 1922 by archaeologist Howard Carter.

In his tomb the findings were extraordinary. More than 5,000 artifacts were discovered and most became property to the Egyptian government, although many more artifacts were believed to be stolen previously by looters that raided the area. About a third of these artifacts can be found displayed in an Egyptian Museum located in Tahrir, Cairo. Some of the findings included six of King Tut’s very own chariots, his death mask which was mainly made out of gold, two gold daggers with one having a blade crafted out of a meteorite, three golden coffins nested amongst one another with the last containing his mummified body, and golden jars with the heads of Egyptian gods, such as Anubis, containing his organs. In our time, many of the found objects in his tomb have been moved into museums, however the pharaohs body remains in his tomb.

King Tut’s golden death mask

Actual image of King Tut’s daggers

In the ancient Egyptian times their belief was that there was an afterlife. Since they believed the afterlife would resemble much of how a normal life was back then, they felt the need to leave his tomb filled with things the ruler used in his day to day life. This is why various things such clothing, food, beds, chariots, headrests, and even board games were found in his tomb. Even ceremonial items that pertained to him like thrones, statues, and jewelry were also found in his tomb.