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Kevіn Durаnt reveаlѕ the bіzаrre reаѕon he wаѕn’t іnjured thіѕ ѕeаѕon

Kevin Durant is undeniably one of the greatest players in NBA history. Nonetheless, his legacy has suffered a couple of hits for the career decisions he’s made.

On top of that, injuries have kept him off the floor more often than not since the 2018-19 season. That’s why it was so nice and surprising to see him play 75 games in this campaign.

When asked about his new-found durability, the Phoenix Suns star gave a somewhat hilarious explanation, stating that it’s just because no one flopped into his legs this season.

Kevin Durant Blames Floppers For His Injuries

“No players flopped into my legs this year,” Durant told AZ Central. Last two years, I had my teammate flop into me and an opponent flop into me two straight years that caused me to get MCL injuries. If it wasn’t for that, I probably would’ve been out there the same amount of games, but I’m glad nobody flopped into me. Had a couple of nagging injuries, but it was day-to-day type of stuff. I’m grateful for that.”

Kevin Durant of the Phoenix Suns

Durant doubled down on his take by stating that he’s identified and purposedly gotten away from some players, adding that they’re ‘crash dummies’ who won’t mind huting people to sell a foul call:

“Just stay away from the crash dummies, you know,” Durant added. “The dudes who try to sell calls and don’t mind hurting people by diving on the floor trying to sell a call. I know who those guys are, and I try to stay away from them.”

Of course, this makes some sense, and he should keep doing whatever works for him, as everybody wants to see him on the floor. Still, Father Time is undefeated, and it’ll eventually catch up with all players.